Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Word Association and Reflection

Part 1. Word Association

1. 25 words that define who I am

Responsible         Workaholic        Contemporary       Simple          Minimized  

Clean                    Pattern              Modern                  Unique          Organized

Storage                 Different           Sensitive                Emotional     Stylish  

Shoes                    Colors               Fashion                  Passion          Memories

Creative                Dream               Realistic                Mono             Sharp   

2. 25 words that define what 'design means to me'

Organized            Comforts             Love                 Creative          Unique

Stylish                  Reflection           Eco                   Natural            Pattern

Sensitive              Colors                 Space                Well-being      Recycle

Different              Free                     Health              Useful              Helpful

Cozy                    Warm                  Idea                   Opinions         Life 

3. 5 personal goals

1. I will exercise every day at least 30 min.
2. I will find my internship before 3rd year of my college.
3. I will travel around the world before I get old.
4. I will not waste my time and keep myself busy always.
5. I will always try to be happy. 

Part 2. Reflection

1. Why did you choose this professional path?

- I was four years old when I first noticed the majesty and beauty of the Pyramids. Egyptian architecture fascinated me, and from a very early age my dream was to travel to Egypt and see the Pyramids in person. From this initial appreciation for the Pyramids grew a greater interest in other famous structures around the world; that interest became focused particularly on interior design.

 2.  What is an artist? Are you an artist?

 -I think an artist would be a person who can their messages to the others through the artworks. Also, an artist should try to look at things differently and think differently from others. Being creative is important thing for an artist. 

3. Do you have a message that you believe needs to be expressed in your work?

-My important message in my work would be happiness, harmony, and peaceful love. 

4. What answers do you seek?

- How can I live with true happiness?

5. In what way can your work as an interior design student be an opportunity to explore these personal questions?

-I am learning things what I am passionate about and I will be happy by achieving the goals from my work.

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