Friday, January 30, 2015


Form and Space: The Unity of Opposites

The elements in visual field are normally appear differ in shape, size, color, orientation. There are two different opposite groups called by positive and negative elements. They illustrate as a figure and a background elements.


Elevated Plane

A level plane raised above the ground plane. Vertical planes along its boundaries emphasize the visual separation among its field and the surrounding ground.

U- Shaped Plane

A U-shaped formation of vertical planes defines a ground of space and volume that is focused on primarily toward the open end of the formation.



Light usually raises to visible light, which is electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye and is responsible for the sense of view. The sun is the rich source of natural light for the illumination of forms and spaces in architecture.


At Corners

When there is an opening space at the corner, the light comes from the opening will wash the surface of the wall adjacent and perpendicular to the plane of the opening. These two surfaces become a source of light in the space.

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