Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Design Philosophy

     My uncle, an architect from New York, was the next influence that led me to choosing interior design. I was able to see as he turned a plain, ordinary building into his home, a transformation so radical that I can only describe it as magic. Seeing this made me realize that I would not be content simply admiring the works of others; rather, I was inspired to want to create my own. I would like so much to be able to walk into empty homes, look around, and visualize the potential beauty that could reside within their walls, not unlike a painter seeing grand, beautiful brushstrokes resting in an empty canvas.
     Buildings are so much more than shelter. Homes, like so many other things people have created, go beyond the realm of practicality and enter the realm of art, of expression. Seeing the changes my uncle was able to make to an empty house, seeing how the beauty of a building can draw in people from all corners of the world, I begin to realize that a home can house so much more than people; within a home can rest our hopes, our dreams, our lives. And seeing how people respond to being shown their newly remodeled and decorated homes, I know that studying interior design will allow me to create a beautiful home, not only for myself but for anybody who understands just how lovely, comfortable, and personal a home can be.

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