Monday, March 2, 2015



An axis is a line that runs straight through something in order to show the direction and movement of something.  This line arrange the space and form in a symmetrical and balanced manner.



Symmetrical balanced is achieved by arrangement of comparable forms and spaces along a central axis. It is the easiest way to achieve balance because the same substances and design elements are recurring in each side of the area.



Hierarchy defines the importance of the forms and spaces with its dimension, shape, or placement relative to the other forms of the organization.  



A datum states to a line, plane, or volume of position to which other elements in an arrangement can relate. It organizes a random pattern of elements in the space with its uniformity, continuity, and continuous existence.


Rhythm & Repetition

Repetition refers to one object or shape repeated and rhythm is a combination of elements repeated, but with variations. These patterns can create a different styles or moods in the space.


Transformation is a process that pursues to create desired and sustainable changes in behavior and form of space or object.

Monday, February 23, 2015


Golden Section

The Golden section is a special ratio system found by dividing a line into two parts so that the longer part divided by the smaller part is also equal to the whole length divided by the longer part. It is often symbolized using phi, after the 21st letter of the Greek alphabet. This ratio creates things to be seen more stable and beautiful.

The Orders

The Orders within Greek and Roman olden times signified the perfect definition of harmony and beauty.  The diameter of the column is used to be practice as the basic unit of measurement. The columns shaft, capital, foundation, and even spacing was influenced by the diameter. The measurement was not based on a specific length but each part of a building was proportional to the other.


Renaissance Theories

The ratios (1:2, 1:3, 2:3, 2:4) that the Greek to believe they has found the key to the harmony and permeated the universe influenced many renaissance architects and their works. Many different architectures in renaissance became to think higher and perfect of building. Applying this theories, Renaissance architects developed and created their own ratios.


The Modular

The Modular is a scale of proportions created by the Swiss-born French architect Le Corbusier (1887–1965). It was developed as a visual connection between two incompatible scales, the imperial and the metric system. It is based on the height of a man with his arm raised. It was used as a system to set out a number of Le Corbusier's buildings and many architects who look for elegant, firm, and harmony of the human body.


The "Ken"

Ken is a traditional Japanese method of measurement. The ken developed an absolute measurement with a ratio in size of 1:2. This unit is a common measurement in Japanese architecture, where it is used as a proportion for the intervals between the pillars of traditional-style buildings.


It is a measurement of the size and proportional of human body. It uses for identification and the purposes of understanding human physical variation to design mostly in furniture like chairs, sofas, and desks.



Often time the designers care a lot of visual scale as they design the space, which refers not to the actual size and the dimension of an object, but rather how small or large things appear to be compared with the normal size of other things in the space.  


Chapter 5: Circulation

Building Approach

 Before actually passing into the space, we approach along a path. This is the first step of the system before you actually experience the space in building.  The nature of the approach may distinguish between inside and outside spaces.


Building entrances

 A vertical plane distinguishes one space from another. It divides the space into an interior and exterior. The location of entrance will determine the path and pattern of the activities in the space.


Configuration of the path

All path of movement has a starting point and an ending point, which will lead us through the space and help us to experience the space better. The configuration of the path influences and is influenced by the organization of the spaces.


Path-space relationships

The path may related to the spaces in three different ways such as pass by space, pass through space, and terminate in a space.


Form of the circulation space

The circulation space can be considered as a movement of paths which are created by forms. There are three different types of the circulation spaces: enclosed, open on both sides, and open on one side. The below image shows an example of open to one side circulation space. The windows on the right side of the space provides visual and spatial continuity with the space and creates indoor outdoor space.


Saturday, February 7, 2015


Space within a space

A space may contain another space inside of itself. A large space may contain a smaller space. For this concept to be received, there should be size differences in two spaces.


Adjacent space

“Adjacent space” means those spaces bordering a space in all directions, including all points of contact, corners, diagonals, decks, tank tops and bulkheads.


Centralized organization

The space which is a lot of secondary spaces are grouped around with large, central, dominant spaces. The centralized organization is strong, stable, and unifying in the space.


Linear organization

The spaces that are extended and arranged along a line and path. They are mostly repetitive and can either be directly related to one another or be associated through a separate linear space.


Radial organization

The radial organization is a combination of central and linear organizations. The main dominant part of the space is focused on the center but from the center, some of linear organizations extend in a radial manner.

Friday, January 30, 2015


Form and Space: The Unity of Opposites

The elements in visual field are normally appear differ in shape, size, color, orientation. There are two different opposite groups called by positive and negative elements. They illustrate as a figure and a background elements.


Elevated Plane

A level plane raised above the ground plane. Vertical planes along its boundaries emphasize the visual separation among its field and the surrounding ground.

U- Shaped Plane

A U-shaped formation of vertical planes defines a ground of space and volume that is focused on primarily toward the open end of the formation.



Light usually raises to visible light, which is electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye and is responsible for the sense of view. The sun is the rich source of natural light for the illumination of forms and spaces in architecture.


At Corners

When there is an opening space at the corner, the light comes from the opening will wash the surface of the wall adjacent and perpendicular to the plane of the opening. These two surfaces become a source of light in the space.