Monday, February 23, 2015

Chapter 5: Circulation

Building Approach

 Before actually passing into the space, we approach along a path. This is the first step of the system before you actually experience the space in building.  The nature of the approach may distinguish between inside and outside spaces.


Building entrances

 A vertical plane distinguishes one space from another. It divides the space into an interior and exterior. The location of entrance will determine the path and pattern of the activities in the space.


Configuration of the path

All path of movement has a starting point and an ending point, which will lead us through the space and help us to experience the space better. The configuration of the path influences and is influenced by the organization of the spaces.


Path-space relationships

The path may related to the spaces in three different ways such as pass by space, pass through space, and terminate in a space.


Form of the circulation space

The circulation space can be considered as a movement of paths which are created by forms. There are three different types of the circulation spaces: enclosed, open on both sides, and open on one side. The below image shows an example of open to one side circulation space. The windows on the right side of the space provides visual and spatial continuity with the space and creates indoor outdoor space.


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