Monday, March 2, 2015



An axis is a line that runs straight through something in order to show the direction and movement of something.  This line arrange the space and form in a symmetrical and balanced manner.



Symmetrical balanced is achieved by arrangement of comparable forms and spaces along a central axis. It is the easiest way to achieve balance because the same substances and design elements are recurring in each side of the area.



Hierarchy defines the importance of the forms and spaces with its dimension, shape, or placement relative to the other forms of the organization.  



A datum states to a line, plane, or volume of position to which other elements in an arrangement can relate. It organizes a random pattern of elements in the space with its uniformity, continuity, and continuous existence.


Rhythm & Repetition

Repetition refers to one object or shape repeated and rhythm is a combination of elements repeated, but with variations. These patterns can create a different styles or moods in the space.


Transformation is a process that pursues to create desired and sustainable changes in behavior and form of space or object.